Friday, May 30, 2008

Some Decisions! Yeah!

So I can finally cross a few things off my list. Wooh! After a pretty rough go of things about the reception site, looks like we have chosen La Mirage in North Haven (well, I have...Keith's still in Africa). Here's a picture...
We had to move the date up to July 11th because the whole month of June was already booked, but that's ok. I figure it'll give me a few more weeks to make sure we're all set and it's an easy date to remember (7-11). Keith will have no excuses for forgetting anniversaries. Hehe. AAAnnnnddd...I have finally picked a dress! After all those "this is the one's" I found the one. You'll all just have to wait to see it :) Now we just have to move back to CT and find jobs and we'll be all set....

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